Mill McCleary is celebrating 10 years with Reef Relief!

March 1st marked 10 years for Executive Program Director, Mill McCleary!  Growing up along the shores of the Chesapeake Bay he learned early on of the importance of healthy watersheds. This led to an 18 year service working with Clean Water Action in Baltimore that continued onto the Tampa area. Over that period, he worked on dozens of water quality related campaigns as well as helping to bridge a collaborative coalition building effort with the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. He was also the lead organizer in CWA’s campaign partnership with the AFL-CIO Working America to establish new offices in several US cities. Mill joined Reef Relief’s team in 2008 as the Executive Program Director.

Mill has spent over 10 years running Reef Relief’s programs to educate and activate people around coral reef ecosystem conservation, specifically in South Florida. He has served as a member of the Monroe County Port Advisory Board and is an advisor to Reef Relief Board members serving on the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary Ecosystem Protection: Ecological Reserves, Preservation Areas and Wildlife Protection Working Group and the Higgs Beach Redevelopment Committee. On behalf of Reef Relief, Mill also manages the Key West Marine Park in collaboration with the City of Key West and Monroe County. Reef Relief  thanks Mill for his hard work and dedication to improving and protecting the coral reef ecosystem here in the Florida Keys.

For more information about Reef Relief’s work, visit

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