Man arrested after woman falls from moving truck   

A 37-year-old Key Largo man was arrested Thursday night after a domestic dispute led to a 29-year-old woman falling from the hood of his moving truck.

The woman was taken to Mariners Hospital in Tavernier and then airlifted at approximately 8 p.m. to Jackson South Medical Center in Miami via Trauma Star where she remained Friday in serious, but stable condition with injuries to her head.

Carlos Alejandro Luna was charged with reckless driving and DUI causing serious bodily injury.

Multiple Deputies responded to 929 Lobster Lane after witnesses reported seeing a woman fall from the hood of a GMC pickup truck. The driver of the truck, Luna, left the scene, but returned when Deputies arrived and said his girlfriend fell from the hood as he was driving. Witnesses told Deputies they saw the woman fall, Luna get out, get back in and leave the scene before returning when Deputies arrived.

The woman was unconscious, but breathing. Monroe County Fire Rescue Station 22 paramedics rendered aid to the woman.

Luna admitted to drinking alcohol prior to the incident and stated he had a medical marijuana card and THC cartridges in his pocket. Luna failed field sobriety exercises at the scene. His blood drawn for further analysis.

It was determined after speaking to Luna and multiple witnesses that Luna and the woman got into a domestic argument at their residence on the 800 block of Bonito Lane. The woman did not want Luna to leave and jumped on the hood of Luna’s pickup truck as he attempted to leave the scene. Luna drove north to U.S. 1, then east on U.S. 1 and south on Lobster Lane whereupon the woman fell off the hood of the truck on the 900 block.

The case is still being investigated.

Luna was taken to jail.

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