Literary Walking Tours are Back!

Key West, Florida – The Key West Literary Seminar will offer its first Literary Walking Tour of the season during Fantasy Fest on Thursday, October 26, at 10 a.m. Reservations are required and can be made at The cost of the 90-minute stroll is $25 per person.

The tour begins at the Key West public library, 700 Fleming St., and finishes near the foot of Greene Street and features the former homes and favorite haunts of writers, including Tennessee Williams, Shel Silverstein, Elizabeth Bishop, and Robert Frost, and illuminates the life of letters in this island city.

Regular Friday evening and Saturday morning tours will begin again in November. For specific dates and times and to reserve, visit

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The mission of the Key West Literary Seminar is to promote the understanding and discussion of important literary works and their authors; to recognize and support new voices in American literature; and to preserve and promote Key West’s literary heritage while providing resources that strengthen literary culture. The Key West Literary Seminar is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

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