Letter to the Editor / TWO STATES: The Only Solution

Roger C. Kostmayer

I’m trying not to write about Trump or politics, or ask myself “what did the President know and  when did he know it?” and “why the rigid subservience to Putin and Russia?”
Thirteen million people, roughly half Jewish and half Palestinian, are living in a small area and each of them wants a safe and secure sovereign homeland.    The worst solution for these United States, for Israel and for the Middle East is what’s being accepted by President Trump, and promoted by Prime Minister Netanyahu and the Trump nominee for ambassador to Israel – the so-called one state solution.  One state is the problem, not the solution.  And, in a stunning precedent, 5 former US ambassadors to Israel are pointing out that the Trump nominee for ambassador is an unqualified radical.
The real goal, from the perspective of most Israelis and the global community, is a democratic Israel that’s assured security, respect and support.  And the only way to get there is with a fair Two State Solution.  The hoped for result is peace, prosperity and full citizenship for all 13 million.
No legal long term solution can countenance military occupation, the imposition of illegal settlements, continued violence, the fomenting of hate, refusal to accept the legitimacy of one’s neighbor, or an apartheid system without equal rights for all.
The most constructive role for the US, and the one most beneficial to Israel, is that of an honest broker who helps the two state negotiating parties over difficult hurdles in order to deliver the permanent peace so desperately needed.

Roger C. Kostmayer

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