Letter to the Editor / THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE

By Roger C. Kostmayer

During the pandemic, and before, many expressed strong feelings about the supremacy of individual freedom over the dictates of government.  They said “This is America” and “government has no right to tell me what to do” with my health. They chanted “My body, my choice”. This argument may not apply to the common good during a deadly pandemic, but it is spot on when applied to a woman’s reproductive rights.

The anti-abortion legislation that is springing up in most states is being proposed by the very same hypocritical politicians and partisans who demanded individual freedom from government interference (regarding masks and vaccinations).  Today, in Florida, denial of women’s human rights is being voted on by the legislature.  The Florida governor and many elected public servants clearly want to dictate what (mostly young and vulnerable) women must and must not do regarding their personal reproductive health. 

The pending Florida legislation is in direct conflict with at least two important and powerful factors: The Supreme Court’s Roe v Wade decision, which has been considered established law and precedent; and the polls that show a significant majority of Americans, and of Republicans, believe that a woman’s health care decisions should be a woman’s right.  There is, however,  concern that the politicized Supreme Court, with its stolen conservative majority of 6 to 3, will find a way to sabotage Roe v Wade in June.

The question is: Do you, as a member of your community, think all women, rich and poor, should have access to safe reproductive health care?  That’s what Florida voters and Supreme Court justices will decide, and your voice is important.

Dedicated nonpartisan and non profit organizations – like the League of Women voters (LWV), Planned Parenthood, ACLU and others – want this human rights issue to be publicly debated and understood based on facts, common sense, human decency and civility.

The Florida Keys Chapter of the ACLU and NOW are sponsoring a FREE  special event, with expert speakers on this subject. April 7 at the Harvey government building on Truman and White Street are the date and place, and the time is 7 PM.

This is an important and timely issue for all Americans, but especially for Floridians.  The April 7 event should be interesting and informative.

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