Letter to the editor / THE PARTY’S OVER

By Roger C. Kostmayer

Ukraine is a serious subject and open minded discussions are important in any democracy, but this one is finished.

You, Rick Boettger, read my best effort to state simply the history, facts and national security implications for peace and freedom.  But I find sinking into a swamp of inaccurate and irrelevant “what-about-isms” and Russian propaganda, is not helpful.

As I pointed out, Rick, the good news for me and most of the world today is that all of our allies and both of our political parties, unanimously agree on condemning Putin and supporting Ukraine – which leaves Putin, Trump and you almost alone doing the opposite – for reasons obvious for them but mystifying for you.

I submit that if you think the way to achieve real peace is to support Putin (a murderer and dictator), and refuse to help save Ukraine as an independent sovereign nation – then you are sadly misinformed.

As one example, you made the analogy between Russia invading Ukraine (the victim in both 2014 and 1 1/2 years ago), and the US preventing Russia from installing ICBM nuclear missiles 90 miles from the US.  Ukraine is a victim that lost hundreds of thousands of people and massive destruction; Cuba was an economic puppet of Russia’s that didn’t  have their country occupied, their people killed by US forces or their country destroyed by bombs and missiles.  It happens I was a naval officer on a US warship that was part of a blockade that stopped Russian ships in October 1962 that were trying to secretly deliver nuclear missiles to Russian facilities in Cuba’s mountains.  I can assure you the analogy you used to justify your support of Putin is specious and inaccurate.

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