Letter to the Editor / LYING & INCOMPETENCE

Roger C. Kostmayer

There was lying and incompetence by Donald Trump and his campaign before the 2016 election, and lying and incompetence have been the hallmark of President Trump and his administration during their first 60 days in office.

Not only Americans but all freedom loving people worldwide need the US to continue to lead by democratic example & the highest standards for trust and effectiveness.  Yet before the election, Trump lied about President Obama’s birthplace – for 5 years after public documents proved the truth.  After his election, Trump lied about President Obama tapping his phones at Trump Tower.  Other examples are too many to list.

Then ineffectiveness and incompetence dogged every challenge the new administration took on – the transition, selecting a competent cabinet on time, having to fire or chastise advisors, infighting and power struggles, national healthcare insurance, conflicts of interest, diplomacy that offended both allies and adversaries.

The combination of lying and incompetence makes success difficult under even the best of circumstances and, so far, it feels like deja vu all over again.

Roger C. Kostmayer

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