Letter to the Editor / IMPEACHMENT: Covering Up the Cover Up

By Roger C. Kostmayer

President Trump used taxpayers’ money and the power of the US presidency to extort, blackmail, bribe and force a foreign government to illegally help him, personally, win a presidential election.  He and his henchmen (Guiliani, Pompeo and others) did this by pressuring Ukraine to dig up or create dirt on an American political rival.

Trump’s acts constitute Treason, Bribery, and High Crimes in the common sense and his abuses of power cry out for impeachment – the constitutional remedy for removing corrupt senior officials.

If bipartisan Congressional impeachment hearings present the facts and evidence fairly and clearly to the American public, there’s a good chance citizens will judge for themselves the President’s guilt or innocence of violating the Constitution.  And history has shown that pressure from well informed majorities do influence politicians’ decisions.

The best precedent to judge these presidential crimes and predict an outcome is the less dangerous President Richard Nixon case in the early 1970’s.  That case shows that when evidence is compelling and the American people demand justice and accountability under the law, Republican politicians eventually see the light.  Nixon did commit crimes (obstruction of justice) but he was brought down because he lied and tried to cover up his misdeeds – which is also a crime.

Time will tell, but there is already evidence that the Trump administration covered up and refused to produce evidence of flagrant breeches of Trump’s oath of office, and Trump is now desperately trying to cover up that cover up.

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