Kristie Bareika-Artigue

I would like to take a moment of your time to inform the public about the International Women’s Flag Football Association. www.IWFFA.com. This organization is helping girls and women all over the world. The costs associated with sports have increased throughout the years and it has edged out many children.. Low income families are unable to sign their children up for athletics. IWFFA is a wonderful program that is completely free for its female athletes. They are bringing girls and women together from many different cultures and countries to interact in a good game of flag football. This year people from Afghanistan and India to name a few will be coming to Key West to play in the 28th Kelly McGillis Classic Tournament during the week of January 22-29th

My daughter is playing on a team for the Sugarloaf area and I have offered to help. I have never coached before, but I am so happy I have volunteered to help. Coaching is very rewarding and these girls are sweet, eager, and amazing athletes. Many of the kids would not have an opportunity to be on an organized sports team if it wasn’t for this program. These are girls who are dedicated. Many of the families do not have personal transportation & these girls are making sure they get to each and every practice and are working their tails off! I am so proud of these athletes and to be part of this program. So if you have a moment on the weekend of Jan 25th, please come out to Wicker Field to see these amazing athletes play their hearts out! For more information, go to www.iwffa.com

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