Larry Smith and Adrienne Zolondick released a CD

Larry Smith and Adrienne Zolondick released a CD they have collaborated on for seven years called “Dreamsmith – Dream Again”- Saturday night at The Studios of Key West.  Its a collection of all original music written and produced by Larry and Adrienne recorded at the San Carlos Theater by Dan Simpson.  A number of Key West artists are featured on the album Geoffrey Lowe, Tim McAlpine, Skipper Kripitz, Christine Cordone, Susan Butler, and a special tribute to the late Richard Crooks.

Larry Smith also release another CD of original instrumental compositions “The Seidenberg Sessions” with the Larry Smith Quartet including Geoffrey Lowe, Dan Brubeck and Tim Mayer. It includes a high energy tribute to one of Larry’s favorite artists Thelonious Monk called “Thelonious Funk”.

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