Key West Housing Authority Receives $2.5 Million Economic Development Initiative Grant

The Board of the Housing Authority of the City of Key West and Executive Director Randy Sterling are pleased to announce they have received a major grant of $2,500,000 to significantly upgrade electrical distribution, and to replace both a transformer and the backup generator at the Henry V. Haskins Senior Citizens Plaza. This Federal grant would not have been possible without the tremendous effort of our Congressman Carlos Gimenez and his dedicated staff and the support received from the Housing Authority Board of Directors, the Key West City Commission, the Board of County Commissioners, and Keys Energy.

Mr. Sterling states, “While the current transformer and existing generator are in place and properly functioning, they are dated and close to the equipment’s life expectancy. We thought it best to be proactive and apply for the Federally funded Economic Development Initiative Grant so that we do not encounter disruption in service to our residents in the face of an emergency that could arise with older equipment”. The generator is in place so that in the event of a sustained power outage, the property’s many senior residents would be able to use the elevator and have power for respirators, oxygen generators, and for the refrigeration of food and vital medicines. The five story Senior Citizen Plaza comprises 199 units with 230 residents.

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