Key West Housing Authority Longevity Recognition Employee of the 2nd Quarter

Huetes Reaches 5 Year Milestone

Antonio Huetes began working for the Key West Housing Authority on July 21, 2017 as a Groundskeeper and continues to serve in this position. Antonio’s supervisor says “He shows up everyday to work with a smile on his face. He never complains, and always works hard”. In addition to his day-to-day groundskeeping duties, Antonio cleans out vacancies for all Housing Authority properties and pitches in on extra tasks as needed. The Housing Authority would like to thank Mr. Antonio Huetes for his 5 years of service to the agency. 

Jung Named Employee of the Quarter

Misty Jung has been named the Key West Housing Authority’s Employee of the Second Quarter. 

The Directors of the Key West Housing Authority selected Mrs. Jung as Employee of the Second Quarter based on several factors, including her willingness to take on new responsibilities and her flexibility in transitioning to a new position. She is the Housing Superior of the Henry Haskins Senior Citizen Plaza. The Housing Authority has received many compliments from the residents on the positive energy she brings to the Plaza. The Housing Authority would like to congratulate Misty on a job well done and thank her for her commitment to the agency.  

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