Iowa Students Help FKCC Students Recover from Irma

KEY WEST, FL, October 4, 2017— Half a country away, college students in Iowa have taken the initiative to help fellow college students in the Florida Keys who are heading back to class this week following Hurricane Irma.  Destruction from the Category Four storm has rendered many Florida Keys Community College (FKCC) students with formidable challenges to their daily lives as well as their academic goals.  Many are struggling without transportation, computers, or even basic shelter.

Moved by the unimaginable plight, students at North Iowa Area Community College (NIACC) decided to lend a helping hand.  NIACC’s Student Ambassador Club and Carpentry Club collected items to assist FKCC students.  On Monday, they loaded the goods— ranging from macaroni and cheese and Powerade to hand-made blankets and linens to notebooks and pens—on a plane to send to the Keys students.  Many of the items were affixed with messages of encouragement.  Joining in generosity, Sukup Manufacturing Co provided the plane, which was fueled by North Iowa Air Service and Harley Davidson of Mason City.  The pilot, Todd Kyle, volunteered his time to fly to the southernmost college.

The plane full of goods reached its destination just in time to welcome FKCC students back to college life.  FKCC’s Key West campus re-opened and classes resumed on Monday, October 3, following three weeks of closure for post-storm clean-up and repairs.

Those interested in making a donation to support FKCC students recovering from Irma can do via the College’s website  For more information, contact FKCC Foundation Coordinator Dee Dee Vaughan at 305-809-3153 or [email protected].

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