Inventor of the Twitter Hashtag Talks About the Future We Want

C.M. Rubin, Creator of The Global Search for Education and Founder of CMRubinWorld discusses the future of social media communications with Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Awards (TDIA) 2018 honoree Chris Messina. How will the multitude of tools we have at our fingertips continue to change communications as we know them now? Messina explains that more “children will grow up talking to a voice assistant of some kind (like Alexa or Google Assistant) and those same kids will live in hybrid versions of reality — mixes of the digital and the authentic — and will increasingly care less about which is which.”

Chris Messina invented the Twitter hashtag and has spent the last decade being a game changer with many other technological innovations including Drupal, Firefox, Flock, BarCamp, Google+, Uber Developer’s Platform and open web communities, to name but a few. He is also the Co-Founder of

Rubin and Messina discuss what AI will mean for living and learning with each other. Messina notes that we need to find ways to partner with our AI creations “to enhance life” and to create “more shared equity and prosperity”, so as to “enable humans to connect more deeply with one another.”

Chris Messina is the inventor of the hashtag for social media. The hashtag has made mass communication simpler, cheaper and more accessible. It’s universal usage has empowered instantaneous social movements via social media such as #metoo, #NeverAgain and #blacklivesmatter, to name a few.

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