Harrison Ford is alive! Thank goodness!

I reported yesterday he had died. I was wrong. My apologies.

Let me explain how my faux pas occurred.

As I was completing my research, I skimmed YouTube to see if anything was new. There it was. It had been reported on 12/20: “With Deep Sympathy We Report the Passing of Actor Harrison Ford.” Several other articles re his death were posted also. Another was: “Minutes Ago Doctors Confirmed the Passing of Actor Harrison Ford.”

I simply reported it. My error was failing to note the subsequent articles bore dates significantly older. It would have raised my suspicion factor.

A moral is involved: Do not believe everything you read! Today it would extend to the printed and social media also.

Today is the calm after the holiday. Post Christmas! I appreciate another holiday is soon to be. New Year’s Eve. A different one. Fun! Christmas warmer, however. Two different flavors involved.

Syracuse vs. Washington State tomorrow night at 8 in the Holiday Bowl in San Diego. Syracuse will win decisively. Due to the transfer portal, 22 Washington State players and 4 coaches will not be involved. In addition, Washington’s primary coach will not be involved. His contract  ran out without Washington State renewing it.

I will be watching the game at Brady’s Irish Pub with Steve Thompson.

Matt Gaetz a first class flub-a-dub. He could get indicted which would make his situation even worse.

The Congressional Ethics Committee issued its long awaited report. Gaetz was a bad guy. Did it all! Sex, sex with an underage girl, drugs, violated various state and federal laws. He may be lucky. If he is able to avoid indictment, the word is he may run for Governor or U.S. Senator for the State of Florida.

He would probably get elected.

Latinos are a significant voting block in Florida. As are Blacks and the elderly. Latinos and Blacks supported Trump more heavily in the past election. Elderly are die hard Republicans. The three groups hope/believe things will be better under Trump the next 4 yeas. Good luck!

Reports continue to be issued re the U.S. Supreme Court re the wrongdoing of certain of the Justices. Especially Thomas and Alito.

The most significant report was recently issued by the Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Republican members refused to participate. The report claimed Thomas has accepted more than $30 million in his time on the bench in gifts, etc. Alito has his share of wrongdoings listed, though nowhere close to the number of Thomas’.

Both Thomas and Alito thereafter sat in judgment on cases involving those who had benefitted them.

The investigation took 20 months.

Harry Truman died this day in 1972. He loved Key West and Key West loved him. May he ever be remembered as an integral part of Key West.

Virginia O’Hanlon and the New York Sun are forever immortalized with Christmas.

There was a time that people of all ages believed if a newspaper wrote something, it had to be true.

Virginia was an 8 year old girl. On September 21, 1897 she wrote the New York Sun asking: “Is there a Santa Clause?”

The newspaper responded: “Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus!”

Enjoy your day!

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