Huge Bundle of Cash Returned

A good Samaritan teen and her mother reunited a business owner with over $30,000 in cash over the weekend.

On Saturday, Emily Walsh and her mother Mary noticed a bag left in a shopping cart in a hallway at the La Brisa condominiums a little after 5 p.m. They went to dinner and, upon return, noticed the bag was still there.

Curious, Emily looked inside the Metro PCS paper bag and found numerous bundles of cash along with numerous deposit slips and a stack of receipts from Metro PCS stores in the Keys. The bag also contained a cell phone.

The two brought the bag and its contents to the Key West Police Department and turned it in. Dispatchers were able to contact the owner of the business. He came to the station and provided proof that he was, indeed, the owner of the bag and its contents.

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