Harry S. Truman Little White House in Key West Inagurates its Own “Easter Egg Roll” – A White House Tradition Since 1878

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 2017…KEY WEST, FL…The Key West Harry S. Truman Foundation invites young children and their families to the inaugural “Easter Egg Roll” on the lawn at the Little White House. On Saturday, April 1st, 2017 the Truman Little White House will bring this holiday tradition, initiated in 1878 Washington, D.C. by President Rutherford B. Hayes, to Key West. The celebration will include an Easter egg roll, egg hunt, pictures with the Easter Bunny, arts and crafts, photo booth and live music. The event is free, with the first 500 participating children (up to age 12) receiving a wooden souvenir egg. The event starts at 10am and concludes at 12 noon. Wear your Easter Festive attire and join us!

As the state of Florida’s only presidential museum, the Harry S. Truman Little White House is committed to the providing visitors and the Key West community programs about the Truman’s legacy and the American democratic process.   Learn more about President Harry Truman’s legacy at our next events including Coffee with the Curator on March 15th, the Inaugural Easter Egg Roll for the whole family on April 1st and the 15th annual Truman Legacy Symposium on April 21st and 22nd. This year’s symposium includes various faculty from around the country with discussion on Latin and South American policies and concludes with a Paella Cook-off fundraiser featuring local celebrity chefs and raising funds for the preservation of Harry Truman’s Poker Porch. For more information about tours or to attend Little White House events, be sure to visit www.TrumanLittleWhiteHouse.org. The Key West Harry S. Truman Foundation is a not for profit 501(c)3 that exists to preserve the Truman Little White House and share the history of the American Presidency at Florida’s only presidential museum.

For more information about the Easter Egg Roll or any events at the Harry S. Truman Little White House, please contact Jeanna Garrido, Special Events Manager at (305) 294-9911 or via email at [email protected].

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