Habitat for Humanity has GENERATORS and MINI-FRIDGES available ON LOAN at no cost to those in need.  We have a temporary distribution center set up at the Big Pine Moose Lodge, 3681 Wilder Road on Big Pine Key which will be open 9am – 3pm daily through Friday, October 6th.  (Additional dates and hours may be added as needed.)

Supplies are limited.  We ask that folks who receive the loan of this equipment agree to return it when they no longer need it.

The portable generators/inverters are gas powered.  The mini-fridges are small coolers that can be plugged into the generators.

In addition to the generators/inverters and fridge/coolers, Habitat is distributing tarps, work gloves, work boots, safety glasses, and other miscellaneous supplies to aid in the recovery effort.

We ask that recipients provide proof of residency or ownership of property located in Monroe County.

For additional information, contact Susan at [email protected] or 305-294-9006 ext 3.

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