Gardens Hotel Jazz Happy Hour- the CRZBs, Sun. Feb. 12th, 5-7:30pm

The CRZBs will be the featured band at the Gardens Hotel this Sunday February 12thfrom 5-7:30pm. The Jazz Happy Hours at the Gardens will be the perfect setting to reveal their softer, classic  jazz  repertoire, featuring many  timeless standards, in addition to a taste of their penchant for progressive pop, funk, fusion, and latin jazz. The Crizzbeez are unique in Key West, for both their Pat Metheney-inspired, modern guitar jazz, and a Steely Dan- type, sophisticated pop sound.  Fronting the group, and featuring many of his original compositions, is Chris Burchard, on guitar. Rob DiStaci soulfully sings and plays keyboards, skippo is rhythm driving on  drums , & our special Chicago guest on (awesome!) bass, Geoffrey Lowe.  So, please join us on this romantic Sunday afternoon prequel to Valentine’s Day, for a memorable display of classic jazz standards, soul, brazilian, and funk-fusion, with the ‘Crizzbees”, at Kate Miano’s  wondrous Gardens Hotel, 526 Angela st. (at corner of  Simonton. Call 294-2661 for additional details).

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