Fringe Theater Presents Hate Mail

Fringe Theater Key West announces the return of its summer sensation, the hilarious and offbeat ‘Hate Mail,’ written by Bill Corbett and Kira Obolensky. The show will run February 2-5, 7pm, at Little Room Jazz Club located at 821 Duval Street in Key West.

‘Hate Mail’ is a love story, of sorts. It’s a reminder that all’s fair in love, war, and letter writing. Star-crossed lovers, Preston and Dahlia, begin their exchange of letters and notes in a rather antagonistic setting. Still their journey takes them through friendship, love, and loss. Their road is just a bit more treacherous than most.

The play features the very funny Pony Charvet and Susannah Wells as the love-torn duo whose fast-paced and sardonic story is at the heart (so to speak) of the show. Both actors agree, “It has been so much fun getting back into the script, and delving deeper into these characters. We learned a lot from the audiences this summer, so we’ve got some surprises in this new production.”

Michael Robinson is the production’s musical director, a feature unique to this Key West production. “Music can make the words come alive – especially in a reading,” Robinson explains. “The pacing, the mood shifts, even the setting itself can really be impacted by the right song.”

‘Hate Mail’ runs Feb 2-5 at 7pm each night, and the club’s live music schedule will take the stage at 9pm each performance nights. Tickets are $25 and are available at or by calling 305-707-4053.

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