FRIDAY CHALLENGE! Help Pulse Employees

As we all know, service industry employees depend on their incomes sometimes on a daily basis.  With the bar being closed, there is a need from the staff at Pulse for them just to meet the daily living expenses.
Several KWBG members have agreed to donate 5% of entire proceeds from all business they do on Friday(June 17th). They are challenging all of you to do the same.  And we ask that you challenge other businesses to participate! Or do a collection of donations on Friday and participate in the challenge.
All monies will be collected at the KWBG office on Monday (June 20th) and a check will be sent to the owner of Pulse Nightclub along with the “Key West Stands with Orlando” banner that KW residents and visitors are signing.
So join us and show our Orlando brothers & sisters that we are here to support them in this time of need!
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