An exclusive opportunity to explore five of Key West’s beautiful private gardens awaits horticulture buffs Friday and Saturday, Feb. 21-22, during once-a-year tours presented by the Key West Garden Club.
Between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. both days, tour participants can venture beyond the walls and ornamental fences surrounding featured homes in the Flagler Avenue area of Key West.
The five stops include lovingly maintained large and small gardens with exotic palms, water features and pools, serene settings and vivid tropical plants.
Garden Club docents are to be on hand at each location, sharing detailed information with tour participants about the on-site plants and other elements.
Tour tickets are $30 per person if purchased in advance at or at West Martello Tower, the garden club’s headquarters beside the Atlantic Ocean at 1100 Atlantic Blvd. On tour days tickets are to be available at the locations for $35 per person.
Since the 1950s the not-for-profit Key West Garden Club has maintained and planted a garden in the ruins of the Civil War–era West Martello Tower, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. All plants are donated and cared for by club members and volunteers.
Today West Martello is the backdrop for spectacular orchids and bromeliads, mature fruit trees, indigenous plants, a colorful butterfly garden, a prehistoric garden and a peace park among other attractions. The garden is open free of charge from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily except major holidays.
All tour proceeds support West Martello Gardens and civic gardening projects.
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