DOH-Monroe Appoints Gandia as Community Medical Liaison

Antonio Gandia, MD

Monroe County, Fla. – The Florida Department of Health in Monroe County (DOH-Monroe) is pleased to announce the appointment of Antonio Gandia, MD, as the new Community Medical Liaison.

Dr. Gandia joined DOH-Monroe in December 2024. He will be responsible for building and fostering public and private partnerships to enhance preventative care for Monroe County residents and visitors.

“Dr. Gandia is a highly respected Emergency Medicine physician with a great deal of expertise working with EMS, acute care, and external stakeholders,” said Dr. Carla Fry, PhD, MSN, RN.  “Dr. Gandia and I plan to work together to enhance community health literacy and improve health outcomes through innovative, collaborative work with our partners.”

Dr. Gandia graduated from Ross University School of Medicine and did his residency at Monmouth Medical Center in Long Branch, NJ. He has served as medical director for several fire departments, including Monroe County Fire Rescue and City of Key West Fire Department, and is also an emergency department physician at Lower Keys Medical Center.

He has been involved in several state and national medical organizations. He is on the governor-appointed advisory board for the EMS Advisory Council and is also a past president of the Florida Association of Medical Directors.

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