Store Front for infant and child needs

FLORIDA KEYS – The Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition will have a “store front” for parents and caregivers to get infant and toddler supplies they need beginning Wednesday, December 13th, 2017. Located at 2740 North Roosevelt Blvd, Key West, next to Body Zone Gym and Bed and Chair Depot.  Due to Irma they were unable to have their annual Tot Swap event.  This is the next best thing.  We will be there to assist families and receive donations through January 15, 2018.

Hours of operation:
Tuesdays 3-7pm
Wednesdays 12-4pm
Thursdays 10-2pm
Items Available
Diapers  (all sizes)
Baby food
Baby Cereal
Individually wrapped baby bottles with nipples
Clothing & Shoes
Toys and books
Bedding & Towels
Infant formula
Baby food
High Chairs

The Florida Keys Healthy Start Coalition helps families before, during and after pregnancy.  We have been distributing items throughout the Keys, in both small quantities to individuals and in larger quantities to other entities assisting Keys families.  Recovery is hard work and many stories break our hearts. However, we, along with so many others, are here to help and will be here for the long haul. We are all Keys Strong.

If you need accommodations or for more information please call, text or email at 305-293-8424 or [email protected]. We believe every baby deserves a healthy start, as well as a safe future.

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