Key West taxpayers have so much to be grateful for:
a) another City Hall, complete with cost overages, when the one on Simonton could have been repaired for a lot less
b) a new fire hall, complete with cost overages to install handicapped access (?) to the firefighters’ living space on the 2nd floor,
c) installation of very expensive ($20K + per tree) coconut palms along the whole length of North Roosevelt Blvd., which also have the benefit of being exceptionally to maintain.
d) a $900,000 settlement with the Eimers family, for wrongful death by KWPD.
e) awarding the contract for garbage collection to the highest bidder (Waste Management) for an extra $18Million while cutting the bi-weekly pickup service in half…an added bonus; WM refuses to recycle plastic bags.
f) installing hugely expensive Royal Palms in front of the Waterfront market that not only impair visual perspectives to the Wyland mural, but are so close to the building that they actually threaten the structural integrity of the foundation.
Despite these examples of unnecessarily throwing away vast amounts of money, the censurable acts of negligence were recently addressed in a glowing “report card” lauding the city administration for fiscal responsibility.
Fortunately, thanks to clever programs, like charging property owners $10. annually for the privilege of parking in front of their own homes, the flow of money necessary to defray the waste will continue.
Key West taxpayers have so much to be grateful for:
a) another City Hall, complete with cost overages, when the one on Simonton could have been repaired for a lot less
b) a new fire hall, complete with cost overages to install handicapped access (?) to the firefighters’ living space on the 2nd floor,
c) installation of very expensive ($20K + per tree) coconut palms along the whole length of North Roosevelt Blvd., which also have the benefit of being exceptionally to maintain.
d) a $900,000 settlement with the Eimers family, for wrongful death by KWPD.
e) awarding the contract for garbage collection to the highest bidder (Waste Management) for an extra $18Million while cutting the bi-weekly pickup service in half…an added bonus; WM refuses to recycle plastic bags.
f) installing hugely expensive Royal Palms in front of the Waterfront market that not only impair visual perspectives to the Wyland mural, but are so close to the building that they actually threaten the structural integrity of the foundation.
Despite these examples of unnecessarily throwing away vast amounts of money, the censurable acts of negligence were recently addressed in a glowing “report card” lauding the city administration for fiscal responsibility.
Fortunately, thanks to clever programs, like charging property owners $10. annually for the privilege of parking in front of their own homes, the flow of money necessary to defray the waste will continue.
Thoughtful blog post ! I learned a lot from the details , Does someone know if I could find a sample AIR MTG-16 form to use ?
Valuable post , I was fascinated by the info ! Does anyone know if my company would be able to access a blank AIR MTG-16 version to use ?
Hello ADRIA THERIOT. I saw a template a form copy at this site