The cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, June 11th

By land or by sea, let’s clean up our mangroves and seawall! Commissioners Sam Kaufman and Billy Wardlow are teaming up to host a cleanup of their shared borders: The mouth of the Riviera canal and the mangroves and seawall along South Cow Key Channel.

The cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, June 11th from 8 a.m. until 11 a.m.

To participate, people are asked to meet at 8 a.m. inside the parking lot area of Coconut Mallory Resort, on South Roosevelt Blvd, between Flagler and US 1. The City will provide pickers, gloves and trash bags. If you have a kayak, you can launch from there.

Bring sunscreen and protective clothing. Dive knives are good for getting line out of the mangroves. For a anyone interested in cleaning up via kayak who doesn’t own one, Lazy Dog Outfitters is donating kayaks for the morning. Please RSVP for the free kayaks by emailing [email protected] before Saturday.

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