Key West weather screwed up. Sixty four degrees during the night. That’s January weather, not November’s.

I turned the heat on.

As I am writing, it is 5:30 and still 64 degrees.

The high will be a bit better today. Seventy five degrees. The evening 72. Heat not required for either.

November 24, 1940 a bad one for England. The Luftwaffe bombed Bristol City Centre killing 200 people.

It was the first German raid on the city. Churchill said, “Hitler will have to break us or lose the war.”

Fred Astaire is noted as one of the greatest entertainers of all time. No question about it. His talents magical. His first movie “Dancing Lady” was released this day in 1933.

“Guys and Dolls” opened this day in 1950 on Broadway. Ran 1200 performances. Later made into a great movie starring Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra and Jean Simmons.

Received what was initially a strange call last night. From Ken Cummins. Who was he? I could not recall. I asked. Turns out I met he, his wife and grandson last November at Date and Thyme. Ken writes also. We had a long and interesting chat that morning. Exchanged phone numbers. Swore to call each other. Ken’s call last night was the first from either of us.

Ken lives in the Washington, D.C. area. In his 70’s. A retired private detective. Now spends his time writing short articles/stories for smaller publications. Has written some books.

We chatted about many things. I bored him with my heart attack and disc problems. He recalled my using a cane when we met. He was surprised I no longer needed it.

He is ordering Irma and Me from Amazon and promised to get back to me after reading it. I look forward to hearing from him again.

Did some grocery shopping yesterday. The cupboard was bare. Truly so. Nothing.

As I was walking past the frozen turkeys at Publix, a women I would assume was about my age was calling a Publix employee over to pick up a 20 pound frozen turkey and place it in her cart. She explained to him she could no longer lift that much weight as she pointed to her heart.

I smiled to myself. I understood. My medical limit is 10 pounds.

Syracuse won another football game yesterday. Beat Connecticut 31-24.

Syracuse is now 8-3. Syracuse’s next game is Saturday against Miami. Miami ranked having lost only 1 game. I am sure Miami will be favored. Syracuse can win, however. Should be a great game. Saturday at 3:30 at the Dome in Syracuse.

There was a time Syracuse had a professional basketball team. Back in the late 1940’s and into the 1950’s.

My father used to take me to Syracuse to watch them play at the new Syracuse War Memorial. Sometimes the Syracuse team would come to Utica to play. The games were played at the new Utica Free Academy high school. It had a large lovely basketball facility.

While in high school, I played for Utica Catholic Academy. Never got beyond the jayvee team. The first time I got to play, I was a substitute. The game was at Utica Free Academy. I was thrilled! Excited! So much so that I tripped on my own feet at half court the first time I was running down it. I kept flaying the remaining half court all the way down trying to regain my balance. I finally ran off the court and fell flat on my face.

A distinguished beginning to my high school basketball career.

Enjoy your Monday!

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