8th Grade Essay Contest Winners

The Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce continued their tradition of encouraging creative writing with local 8th grade students by holding their annual Essay Contest.  This year’s topic truly related to what a Chamber of Commerce does:

“The Keys are well known for many festivals and special events.  If you were going to create a new festival or celebration, which would attract both locals as well as visitors, what would it be and how would it be celebrated?”

All the essays were thought-provoking and interesting for the committee to review, but they narrowed the winners down to:

Kelsie Fountain, Stryder Graft and Michael Walker from Sugarloaf School and

Carolina Zabinski from the Big Pine Academy.

Jason O’Brien, Manager of the Summerland branch of First State Bank, and Steve Miller, 2nd VP, LKCC Board of Directors, made the presentations of gift cards contributed by First State Bank and Chamber Bucks courtesy of the Lower Keys Chamber.  The members of the Lower Keys Chamber of Commerce are proud to support the education of our local youth.

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