Woman Beaten, Raped In Tavernier

A 39 year old Tavernier woman was dragged into the bushes, beaten and raped Sunday night as she walked from her home to a nearby bar to meet a friend.

She told deputies and detectives she was walking to Dillon’s Irish Pub and Grille at the 91 mile marker of the highway just after 9 p.m. She said a black male came out of the bushes, grabbing her and dragging her into the wooded area behind the Tavernier Towne Shopping Center.

The victim said he beat her and raped her. She suffered a broken bone in her face, multiple broken ribs and other injuries to her face, head, neck and back. She was taken to Mariner’s Hospital for treatment.

The victim could give little description except the fact that her attacker was a black male with afro style hair and spoke with no noticeable accent.

Major Crimes Detective Manny Cuervo responded to the scene and will be the lead investigator in the case.

Key Largo man arrested for gun threats

A Key Largo man was arrested Sunday after he threatened a construction crew working on a boat near his house.

Deputy Cody Kerns arrived at 30 1st East in Key Largo at 6:45 p.m. to investigate reports of an armed man making threats to a construction crew. The deputy found a man on the scene in a red shirt who turned out to be the suspect.  The man, later identified as 56 year old Bryan Tully, had a firearm obviously sticking out of the waistband of his pants and a bottle of beer in his hand.

After Deputy Kerns safely disarmed, Tully, he discovered the firearm was fully loaded with a round in the chamber.

A construction crew working on a boat nearby told the deputy Tully had come out of his house earlier in the day with a rifle in his hands. They said he was acting strangely, walking around his yard and mumbling to himself. They said he made them nervous, so they left for a while. When they returned to finish their work, they said Tully came out of his house with a handgun in his waistband and a beer in his hand. They said he began yelling at them, telling them to leave and at the same time lifting up his shirt and brandishing the gun at them.

Tully was arrested. He was charged with aggravated assault and he was taken to jail.

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