Letter To Editor / Anti – Women Congressional Witch-Hunt

By Roger C. Kostmayer

The anti-choice Center for Medical Progress, the goal of which is the opposite of it’s title, attempted to entrap Planned Parenthood employees and then doctored their secret tapes to stir national outrage over fetal tissue research.  A Texas judge determined the employees and Planned Parenthood were innocent, but those who maliciously created false propaganda were charged with crimes.

Now this same type of ruthless anti- research and anti-choice movement has blossomed in Congress.  A House of Representatives committee, chaired by Marsha Blackburn (R- Tenn.) and controlled by Republicans, announced it was out to get “the facts” about abortion clinics and the procurement of “baby body parts”.  What this means is that, through bullying and intimidation, they intend to kill Planned Parenthood and a woman’s right to healthcare, including legal abortion.

The Blackburn panel is on a witch-hunt, and announced it intends to use subpoenas and demand the names of healthcare workers in a manner not seen since the dark days of Sen. Joe McCarthy.  The committee knows the history of anti-abortion murders and violence and the dangers to which they can subject doctors, nurses, staff and their families by televising testimony and publishing their names.  The committee’s sinister strategy is transparent.

This assault on the Constitutional rights of women, and on the responsibility to conduct legal scientific research that saves lives, must not be tolerated.

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