Hedden To Speak About The Cuban Finch

The Florida Keys Audubon Society will continue it’s monthly lecture series on February 3 with speaker Mark Hedden.

The title of Hedden’s talk is “The Natural History of the Cuban Finch: Everything you need to know about the Florida Keys’ most confounding bird.”

Hedden is a writer, photographer, birding guide, and executive director the the Keys chapter.

“I’m pretty sure I have seen as many Cuban Finches as anyone else on the planet, but I’ve never managed to take a photo of one,” said Hedden. “They are an amazingly elusive bird, and I hope to illuminate some of the myths surrounding them, and answer any possible questions people might have about them.”

The talk will be held at the Key West Garden Club at 1100 Atlantic Blvd. It is free and open to the public.

For more information email [email protected] or visit keysaudubon.org.

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