Growing Up


By Jeff Johnson And Paula Forman


Dear Short Answers:
Since I am paying for my son’s college education, shouldn’t I get to select the college that is right for him?  When did children get to choose things like that?
Old-Fashioned Parent



Dear Old-Fashioned:
We understand how you feel and have some sympathy for your view but it it is a dangerous game. There are many ways a decision that YOU make for a young adult could go awry. It is better to empower him to make his own decision but hold him to a high performance standard at the school of his choice.




Dear Short Answers:
My mother is moving into an assisted living facility and cannot take her two dogs with her.  She has asked me to take care of them but my husband refuses to let me do that. He’s not allergic to dogs or anything like that, he just doesn’t like pets.  I think that this is the least I can do for my mother who is going through enough drama in her life right now.  Can a wife overrule a husband in this situation?
Want to Do the Right Thing



Dear Right Thing:
Two dogs, especially to a non dog lover, seems like a lot — even to us. How about proposing to your husband that you “foster care” the dogs and look for good homes.  We can also hope that with some coaching from you, the pups will charm your husband into reconsidering.




Dear Short Answers:
I’m pretty sure that a person I know in school cheated on a test.  And my friends think they know a couple other people who did, too.  I don’t think that what they did is my business but I’m worried that if they got high scores because they cheated then I might have gotten a lower grade because I didn’t.  Should I tell the teacher?  I don’t have any proof but I think I’m right.
Working Hard



Dear Working Hard:
We understand your concern but without proof your complaint is potentially malicious. Forget it.




Dear Short Answers:
How can I get my boyfriend to get motivated? He’s been a whining mess for about a week, even though he just has a cold. What’s a good way to get him active?
Signed, Bored



Dear Bored:
Oh please, a week is no time at all. If you can’t be sympathetic, then get out of the house and be “active” on your own.




Dear Short Answers:
What do you think of assisted suicide for the terminally ill?




Dear EEJ:
Although we are respectful of the many religious, philosophical and medical objections, we believe that having options is almost always helpful. Particularly, in this case.




Dear Short Answers:
All my husband and I do is fight.  We haven’t had sex in almost two years. At one point, he told me I had repulsed him. He continues to avoid me and I feel like he may be cheating.
Living Hell



Dear Living:
Well, it doesn’t sound good.  If you want this marriage — then fight for it.  There is no time for a passive “wait and see” approach.  Seek counseling from a therapist, clergy or trusted friend.   If you want out — then get out.




Dear Short Answers:
How can I get back together with a girl that broke up with me?
Broken Heart



Dear B.H.:
You can’t. Unless you are looking to take another fall.

Life is complicated. “Short Answers” isn’t.

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