New Marathon City Council gets to work

on sewers, park improvements


Now that the dust has settled on the Nov. 3 Marathon election, the new City Council has its work cut out for it, on issues ranging from budget amendments, to sewer upgrades, to park improvements.

That election, in which two of five council seats were up for grabs, resulted in the re-election of Vice-Mayor Mark Senmartin, and the election of political newbie Michelle Coldiron, who campaigned on the promise of working to make the city “the best place to live and raise a family.”

Among the items on the agenda for the Nov. 10 meeting were

          * A resolution requesting a Community Development Block Grant deadline extension from the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity, as well as the approval of an actual grant agreement between that department, and the city.

          * A resolution to amend Marathon’s fiscal year 2014-15 Budget.

          * The approval of a contract for multiple sewer connections to 3rd Generation Plumbing, Inc., In The Amount Of $66,735.00.

          * Approval of a contract for professional engineering services with Wade Trim, Inc., in the amount of $155,340.

          * A resolution ratifying Change Order No. 2, to increase by $11,327.50 the original amount of $506,701.55 contracted with and Douglas N Higgins for the fencing-in of Ocean Front Park.

The council members also were to select one of their own to fill the position of Mayor Chris Bull, who last month resigned his seat, with a year left to go in his three-year term.

“I’m truly humbled to have won,” Coldiron said last week, following her election. “I want all our residents to know that I’ll always be available and accessible to them.”

Senmartin, meanwhile called his reelection “very touching . . . to know that many people really do pay attention to, and approve of what we’re doing.”

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