My grandfather is attempting to protect his Royal Poinciana Tree on 919 White Street. The neighbors who moved into the neighboring home of 913 Whites Street (in September of 2009) want the entire tree removed because it caused a crack in the wall that actress Kelly McGillis built years ago. Karen Dimarie from the tree commission suggested repairing the fence as the tree was protected and in very good health and there was no reason to remove the tree. In her public report she stated that she signified that the 913 White street neighbors were harassing Felix Petitt to remove the healthy tree. They did in fact show up on several occasions and entered the business of Juanita’s Beauty Salon with papers in hand, demanding that she sign to remove the tree. Felix was pressured to submit the tree to the tree commission for removal, but after speaking to Karen and understanding his rights, he changed the tree removal request to tree trimming. Karen verified that he is the owner of the tree and it is not the neighbors property, or decision to make. Felix was happy with the meeting and trimmed the tree branches accordingly. The neighbors refused to allow us to trim the branches hanging over their side. Unhappy with the meeting, the neighbors proceeded to sue us for removal of the tree and $15,000 in damages. We offered to repair the wall, the offer was quickly denied and they said “they are only interested in a settlement that includes the removal of the tree”.  We have a hearing regarding the matter on July 27th where we will address the case. But, this case is complete harassment and a threat the our local existence. We are fighting for our tree, which history is so great. We need help. Will your run this story for us?
Emily Petitt


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