The Pleasure Of Their Company


By Jeff Johnson And Paula Forman


Dear Short Answers:
I recently had guests staying with me for a few days.  I try to be a good host so I always keep the guest bathroom stocked with soap, shampoo, extra toothbrushes, razors, etc. just in case my guests have forgotten something.  When I went to clean their room after they had left, I was shocked to find out that all of the little amenities were gone!!!  It’s not possible that they used EVERYTHING in one visit so they must have packed them up and taken them.  Should I mention this to my friends in case they took everything by mistake?  Or did they think that 3 extra toothbrushes was my gift to them?  I’m really annoyed because now I have to go out and spend $40 of $50 re-stocking the bathroom cabinet.


Dear MAD:
Odds are, all house guests will annoy in one way, or another. Roll with it, or don’t invite.



Dear Short Answers:
How old is too old for shorts?  Or bathing suits, or tube tops?
I have opinions


Dear Opinions:
We believe folks should wear what makes them feel great at any age — conventions be damned!



Dear Short Answers:
I’ve known this girl for three years and I have a huge crush on her. We don’t know each other extremely well but we get along great. She just broke up with her boyfriend of a few years and I don’t know how long to wait to ask her out. This wouldn’t be so much of a problem but she might be moving away in a year or so, I’m nervous if I wait too long she may get a boyfriend or we might not be serious enough for me to move with her or vice-versa. What’s your advice?
Planning My Move


Dear Planning:
You’re over-thinking this.  Ask her out.



Dear Short Answers:
I love my boyfriend very much.  I am his home, his family (NOT literally!) and his love. We live together and have become very close and comfortable, but recently, I cheated on him with my ex. I feel horrible. How do I approach talking to him about it?


Dear Guilty:
Don’t. Don’t go to the wounded party to ask forgiveness.  Handle your guilt yourself. Don’t make it his problem



Dear Short Answers:
I just started working for a new person and I already can’t stand her.  I try to pretend that I like her but I’m sure she has figured out that everything she does annoys me.  What is the secret for working for a person you hate?
New Kid


Dear Kid:
Start loving her — or move on! That’s the secret.



Dear Short Answers:
What happens when you are bored in a relationship but still like and care about the person?
Very Bored


Dear Bored:
It is not the responsibility of another person to keep you amused. Perhaps you need a hobby.

Life is complicated. “Short Answers” isn’t.


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