
I find it very telling that the mainstream media is diving into the 2016 presidential coverage sixteen months in advance of the actual event and is blithering on about such republican long shots as Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina and on the “left” it’s Hilary, Hilary, Hilary 24/7, as if divinely chosen, but is silent as a tomb on Senator Bernie Sanders.

The Ministry of Propaganda is concentrating on the perennial shopworn issues of is this or that candidate too young, too old, too ethnic, too religious, not religious enough, too pretty, not pretty enough etc., you know… red herring misdirection that is totally irrelevant to the HUGE problems we are facing here in the US and the world at large. Senator Sanders is the only candidate that is speaking to the very real issues of Big Corporate Money altering (destroying) our entire democratic process. One out of four major corporations is paying zero taxes and stashing billions in off-shore banks with their lobbyists writing laws making that legal. Ninety-five percent of all new income generated is going to the top one percent and all of this while the country that made these parasites wealthy is deteriorating at an alarming rate.

Would that these corporate freeloaders contributed to the country of their origin, our decrepit power grid and our bridges and roads could be restored to at least an adequate level, instead they spend their money on convincing us we the people are the freeloaders. The time the Tea Partier spends fuming about someone on food stamps buying Doritos might be better spent fuming about ExxonMobil’s CEO making $14,000.00 and hour and paying less in taxes than a teacher or a cop.

Only the indie and internet media are covering Bernie Sanders. The corporate owned media, network and cable are dutiful to their masters and mute when it comes to Sanders. Heaven forbid the people hear about a candidate that actually cares enough about them to address those very real issues that negatively affect us and offers pragmatic solutions. Find out more, go to: https://berniesanders.com/about/


Alex Symington

Key West

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