Warm And Cozy


By Jeff Johnson And Paula Forman


Dear Short Answers:
My son and his wife and his baby have been living with us for almost two years. To be honest, I haven’t really minded. Mostly.  Now they say they are expecting another baby. Does this mean they will never move out?



Dear Mom:
Yes, they will never move out. Why should they? If this doesn’t suit you, you had better speak up.




Dear Short Answers:
My husband and I are in our early 70′s. We have had some health issues but by and large we are pretty fit. We live in a large old house with many stairs and a never ending series of repairs that need attention. We have enjoyed everything about it for 20 years or more.  We like taking care of the house and have always joked that we are like the old women in the Italian Hill towns — that if we run up and down the stairs many times a day (and we do), we will never have a problem. But lately I wonder if we are not being responsible about our future.
Not So Young Anymore



Dear Not So:
Wow! We hear you.  We don’t have an answer for you except to say that you and your husband should keep talking about it even though it is a very difficult subject.  Do you want to stay in the house until you die? Do you have enough money to pay for help which you will inevitably need? Have you given alternatives such as moving to a smaller, easier house or senior housing serious consideration? We have observed that there is a window in which to make changes — probably mid 70′s — and after that, it is increasingly difficult.




Dear Short Answers:
I just started a new job and kind of hate it.  I get daily calls from recruiters and it kills me to not follow the leads.  These days, what’s kosher in terms of how long I have to stick it out before I look for something new?
Just Marking Time



Dear JMT:
Well, we’ve been there.  If you have (a) a reasonable track record of staying in previous jobs for a year or more, (b) you can depend on them for references, and (c) you can honestly say you have given this place a fair shot — then go where the sun shines.




Dear Short Answers:
I have been really interested in one of my classmate in college and I wanted to tell her — but I didn’t.  Now she is in a relationship with another guy who is also a classmate and happens to be a friend of mine and it seems pretty serious.  I try but I can’t forget how much I like this girl.  Should I make another play for her or search for another girl to be with?



Dear Obsessed:
Get over yourself.  It was nothing, it isn’t anything, it won’t be happening.




Dear Short Answers:
If you have a friend who really, really, really wants to be a singer but can’t sing a note, what’s the best thing for you to do?  Let her try and get humiliated?  Or tell her the truth and spare her the pain and embarrassment?
Ears Hurt



Dear Ears:
And just why are you the arbiter on this one?

Life is complicated.  “Short Answers” isn’t.



Send a question about whatever is bothering you to [email protected] or go to www.shortanswers.net and a psychologist and sociologist will answer.  A selection of the best questions will be printed every week in KonkLife.

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