Seasonal Woe


By Jeff Johnson And Paula Forman


Dear Short Answers:
Recently I was at a party where the host greeted everybody with a hug and a kiss.  I thought this was sweet until I later overheard her say how sick she was and that she probably had the flu!!!  I didn’t say anything to her at the time, but now I’m thinking that I should call or send her a note and ask her to NEVER do that again.  What the heck was she thinking?  She might have infected all her friends!!!




Dear Offended:
This is why we get flu shots. Forget it.




Dear Short Answers:
My daughter recently started dating someone who is abnormally short.  I mean really, really short.  I don’t mean to seem shallow but I know that short people have a harder time in this world than tall people do.  How do I convince her that somebody of average height or taller would make a much better father for their children?



Dear Mom:
If you are looking for support for your point of view, you came to the wrong place. Examine your attitudes. Perhaps short people have a hard time because of people like you.




Dear Short Answers:
My niece graduated from high school last June and her mother recently sent me a link to the high school photographer’s website so that I can order photos. When I went to the site, I was absolutely appalled. It’s practically pornographic Some girls are in swim suits. Some are in suggestive poses. Some are wearing skirts so short, I want to call their mothers. But, of course, their mothers all know because they PAID FOR THESE PHOTOS!! What’s going on here? Am I completely out of touch with the younger generation? And secondly, how do I tell my sister that I am not buying a single photo — why should I encourage this? What’s next? Playboy photos in a high school yearbook?



Dear Prudy:
Lighten up. In the bad old days, everyone had the same neck up portrait and the same stupid smile. No reason to say anything at all to your sister. If she asks, say none struck your fancy.




Dear Short Answers:
I am seeking promotion within my department, but money is tight and it won’t happen for possibly a year. Meanwhile, my boss thought I would be a fantastic fit to be promoted to a different position that is brand new. Management really likes me and I’m scheduled for a second interview. I have now developed cold feet about leaving the comforts of my existing job, where I know the drill, for a new job in unchartered territory. Any words of advice to help me figure out if I’m making the right decision by accepting the promotion?
Not Sure



Dear Not:
In general, it is usually a bad idea to decline an “opportunity” offered by management.  It’s okay to say you are apprehensive while communicating your willingness to go where you’re needed.




Dear Short Answers:
I am living with my daughter since I lost my job. Now she expects me to take care of her kids! Does she have nerve?

Dear Mad Granny:
Short answer: No, you do. Play by her rules or move out.

Life is complicated. “Short Answers” isn’t.

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