And Why Is This Your Business


By Jeff Johnson And Paula Forman


Dear Short Answers:
I have a friend who is 28 years old and she recently told me she been dating a man who is 52 years old, has 2 daughters older than her and has been married 3 times. She also found out that he cheated on all 3 of his wives and may have a 5-year old and an 8 -year old, by two other women. Should I tell her to get out of this relationship? I don’t want her to think that I am jealous or anything but I don’t want her to get hurt. Word around town is that she moved in with him after only being with him for 3 months.
A Friend



Dear Friend:
Although we share your concern about this relationship, from your account your friend walked into it with her eyes wide open. Unless she specifically asks for your advice, we think there is no point in telling her what she already knows.




Dear Short Answers:
My son recently turned 26 and must now get his own health insurance. From what I understand, this is not difficult and not expensive under Obamacare. But his philosophy is since he doesn’t own anything, they can’t force him to pay and he’ll get free care if anything happens. He’s probably right about that but how do I convince him that having health insurance is an important part of being an adult and something you should not live without? I could go ahead and buy it for him but I think this should be his responsibility.



Dear Pops:
Some Millennials see the responsibilities of adulthood as a multiple choice exercise. Part of having ‘adult’ children is letting them choose.




Dear Short Answers:
How do I get over the fact that my husband is just not, shall we say as “well-endowed” as I would like. I have not seen a lot of naked men, but I’ve seen a few photos and my husband just does not measure up. It bothers me every time we have sex because I keep thinking what it could be like. Do you think this is a sign that our marriage is in trouble? Shouldn’t I be happy with the way God created him?
Married to a Knob



Dear MTK:
Do you look like the pictures of naked women you see in magazines? No? We didn’t think so.




Dear Short Answers:
I am currently dating a great guy but the problem is that he has a twin brother who is gay. In theory, that’s fine. But I am afraid that my boyfriend might be gay and just not admitting it. How do I figure this out before we get too serious?
Worried about This



Dear Worried:
There is a somewhat greater likelihood of homosexuality among identical twins than non-identical twins or siblings. But the data doesn’t tell you anything definitive about your situation. Talk to your boyfriend about your concerns. Be careful not to be accusatory. Surely he has asked himself the same question, and no doubt, has a more personal and persuasive response than we do.




Dear Short Answers:
Should I attend an out of town wedding for a couple that I really don’t believe should be getting married?



Dear Dubs:
If you know these folks well enough to be so sure they are making a mistake, then you should certainly go and hope that you are the one that has made the mistake!

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