LTTE Stuart You Have My Support
        I am not entirely sure why John Dick wants you summarily dismissed from the chairmanship and membership on the Audit and Finance Committee, though I have my suspicions.  Having served with you and having observed your actions on the AFC over the years, you have my full and complete support in this contretemps.  No one has done more to promote the financial welfare of the School District than you.
        The whole business reminds me of the effort some years ago to remove me from the AFC for being too friendly with the press and public.  You may recall that the Board’s inability to remove me led to their disastrous decision to collapse the entire committee.  That decision generated an enormous public outcry demanding reinstatement.  I expect that the same will occur again, that both you and the committee will continue and will do so in a reinvigorated manner.
        The consensus of opinion that I have heard regarding Dick’s attempt to defrock you is that it is politically motivated, not something in the best interest of the School District.  Rumor has it that Dick has not gotten over the fact that he was almost defeated by an unknown candidate with no money who ran an other than zealous campaign.  Apparently, Dick blames you for his political shortcomings and is seeking retribution.  We all know that the complacent supporter of the status quo, John Dick of 2015, is not the reformer when first elected.  Times change and so has John Dick.
Larry Murray
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