Public Records Request XLVIII – Revised FUA With Eagles Rest Ministries


        As you can read the following and attachments, the School District has finally signed a legitimate Facilities Use Agreement with Eagles Rest Ministries for the use of the cafeteria at Poinciana School.  The previous agreement, also attached, did not include any rental charge, only a fee for the use of the air conditioning. 

        Under the revised District policies for facilities use, fees for air conditioning have been discontinued.  Facilities are now provided with no charge for air conditioning even if that means a financial loss for the District.  For example, the new arrangement with Eagles Rest Ministries is such that they are paying less for rent than they previously paid for air conditioning use only.  Go figure.

       My reading of the Board’s Bylaws & Policies requires a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) when the usage is of a continuing nature such as is the case with Eagles Rest Ministries.  Facilities Use Agreements are intended for one time events.  I have raised this issue before and the Board has balked at making the necessary change.  At least, the District can no longer be accused of subsidizing a religious organization which is progress in its own way. 

Larry Murray

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