Mona Lisa Helms, 46

From Veterinary Medicine to Homeless



On the day Mona Lisa Helms was born, she was named after the famous Da Vinci painting because her father loved her unique grin and saw her as “priceless.” Helms moved to Key West when she was 15 when her mother was named general manager at a Duval street hotel.

Rather than graduating from high school, she obtained her GED and worked for a local veterinarian until she was 21.

After marrying a man from Scotland, she had four children including the biggest set of Floridian twins since 1921. Due to domestic violence and her own alcoholism, Helms gave up the children for her father to raise. 

Helms says she hates being homeless and sees sobriety as the path to a better life. She agrees she needs to avoid the cycle of abusing alcohol and recalls once staying sober for five years, thanks to participation in Alcoholics Anonymous.

Today, while receiving no financial aid or welfare payments, Helms supports herself by pan handling during the day. She sleeps on public benches during the night, explaining that her friends in the homeless community help ensure her safety

Helms wants to go back into veterinary medicine after getting sober. She also plans to reunite with her children.





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