Yesterday News


By Jeff Johnson And Paula Forman


Dear Short Answers:
Is there a statute of limitations on cheating on your wife? I had one single affair over 10 years ago and she still won’t let me forget it. Every time we have an argument, this affair somehow pops us as proof that I’m an asshole. Don’t you think it’s time she forgot about it?
Tired of It

Dear Tired:
We agree. At risk of raising the ante, tell her to let it go now … or you might be forced to provide her with fresh fuel for her fire.


Dear Short Answers:
I got divorced over 20 years ago from a woman with whom I had a pretty rocky 10-year marriage. We still bump into each other (accidentally) from time to time and we’re cordial to each other. Last week, I received a packet of photos in the mail from her that had been taken during our marriage. Each one had her face cut out or the photo was cut in half so I assume she cut off the picture of herself. She included a note that said “Stop stalking me!!!” Believe me, I have never stalked her and would avoid her completely if I could. Do you think I should call her and explain this or just ignore it and pretend she doesn’t exist if I ever bump into her again?

Dear Don:
No wonder you divorced her. Don’t speak to her. Ever.


Dear Short Answers:
What are your thoughts on drinking at work (during lunch)? My job doesn’t involve operating heavy machinery. It’s an office job. In fact, it’s marketing. And no, not trying to emulate Mad Men.
H2O (still)

Dear H2:
It’s about fashion, not about alcohol. Sadly, those days are way over.


Dear Short Answers,
My wife and I both work and cannot find time to feed our kids healthy meals. She gets home first and refuses to cook and ends up feeding the kids fast food and TV dinners. And she’s in public health for her career! She blames me for not cooking meals the night before for the family. I get home two hours after my wife, and I, too, am too tired to cook at 8 p.m. and would like a healthy meal on the table. I ask her all the time to make a list of what she’ll eat and I’ll do all the shopping and help cooking when I can. It’s hurting our marriage and our kids are not eating healthy. Help!
Hungry Dad

Dear Hungry,
This isn’t a food issue, it’s a marriage issue. Your wife is angry and overburdened and your list idea just created ANOTHER chore for her while you remain the good guy. Ask her what’s bothering her. And both of you do the shopping and meal prep for the week on the weekend – with the kids. Both are important opportunities to teach kids about making good food choices.


Dear Short Answers:
I absolutely hate Facebook and refuse to be on it. Is there any reason why I need to be?

Dear LKS:

Life is complicated. “Short Answers” isn’t.

Send a question about whatever is bothering you to [email protected] or go to and a psychologist and sociologist will answer. A selection of the best questions will be printed every week in KonkLife.

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