Yoga a Journey /Restorative Yoga

By Sofia Artola
When we practice Restorative postures, what we are restoring is our connection with the part of our mind that is linked with this enduring, vast, and silent source. Yoga tells us that when we are in intimate connection with this part of our mind and thus tapped into a greater mind, we are also tuned in to the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
What makes a restorative posture different from other yoga poses? First, most restorative postures are adaptations of classic yoga postures, during the practice of which you are passively supported by props such blankets, bolsters, and blocks.
Because you are supported you do not have to use energy to get energy. You place yourself in a position to receive energy.  Second, the poses are practiced with the body in a deliberately mild or graduated version of the classic pose , focusing less on stretching muscles and more on releasing tension and increasing the circulation of blood to key organs and glands.
The reclining butterfly pose opens the inner leg, the abdomen , and the lungs. It is perhaps the best overall tonic for rejuvenating the whole body and relieving stress. It releases the lower back providing support and strength.
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