By George Fontana

A sleepy fishing town on the Bay of Banderas until discovered by Hollywood in 1962, Puerto Vallarta today is a major tourist destination. John Huston directed the movie “Night of the Iguana”, and is immortalized by a statue in downtown’s Isla Cuale. Richard Burton, “Iguana’s”male lead, was accompanied by Elizabeth Taylor., then married to Eddie Fisher. The scandal put Puerto Vallarta on the map. “Situated on a narrow strip of land between the Sierra Madre Mountains and the Bay of Banderas, Puerto Villarta is home to a thriving artists’ community and an ex-pat hillside enclave – “Gringo Gulch” – located just above the town.

Lunch in Puerto Villarta was a do-it-yourself affair. We were driven in an open vehicle- part bus, part troop transport – high into the mountains on a dusty, unpaved, washboard trail memorable for its hairpin turns. Once at La Dulce Vista, we were treated to stunning overviews of the town and the bay. The ingredients for lunch, mortar and pestle and cool margaritas were waiting our arrival. My compadre John, a dedicated foodie, jumped right in. Our menu included tortillas, enchiladas and guacamole, prepared in a communal fashion, and washed down with ample amounts of Corona beer and margaritas. Que bueno!

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