Volunteer Stuart Strickland commended by Mayor Teri Johnston

Mayor Teri Johnston, during Tuesday’s City Commission meeting, presented volunteer Stuart Strickland with a commendation for his dedicated effort to repaint the city’s street signs.

“This is an example of good people doing good things for a good community,” said Mayor Johnston.

Strickland organized and oversaw a team of 20 volunteers who, from March until the end of May, went corner to corner, repainting the street names on concrete poles. They painted over 1000 signs.

Strickland took the opportunity to thank the volunteers – residents, seasonal residents and even some people here on vacation – for their help. He noted that the City’s Community Services crews worked closely with the volunteers.

“We couldn’t have done it without them,” he said.

Strickland also gave a shout out to business owner Diane Glorie, who came up with the concept of this volunteer effort and got the ball rolling.

Strickland volunteers in numerous ways throughout the community, including dedicating the past several years to facilitating the City’s Ambassadors program.

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