Virgilio’s – Bob Macy band, Tues. Nov 22nd@9pm
Starting 9 pm, this Tuesday November 22nd at Virgilio’s, ‘Skipper’s League of Crafty Musicians’ series, will feature the Key West debut of singer/ rhythm guitarist, Bob Macy, from Chicago. Most of his repertoire encompasses the Golden Age of Rock songwriters of the 60’s and 70’s. From the Beatles & British Invasion, to the Americana sounds of Neil Young, Eagles, Tom Petty, the Band, etc. Bob will be joined by a trio of musicians that really cut their teeth on this music- Bubba on bass, skippo on drums, & special guest on lead guitar, the inimitable Larry Baeder. So lets welcome Mr. Macy (of that Windy City) to our island paradise, this tuesday at Virgilio’s 524 Duval (back of La Trat restaurant). Call 296-1075 for more info.
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Question (and it is the 2nd time I have asked): is there a reason why The lowercase “l” is used for skippo? It appears insulting and demeaning. Please, check your copy before committing to publish.