Upper Keys student arrested for battery

 A 12-year-old Plantation Key School student was arrested Monday afternoon after pushing a school employee into a wall.

The male student was charged with aggravated battery.

The student was in a conference room about 12 p.m. with two school employees due to poor and disruptive behavior in class. He took a counselor’s phone and was threatening to hit staff. Both employees were attempting to get the phone back when he made his way for a door. The student pushed one of the counselors away from the door and in doing so, her head struck a wall, causing a dent in the wall. Paramedics were called to treat the counselor.

School Resource Officer David Stark responded and took the student into custody. Deputy Stark notified the boy’s father of the arrest.

The student was taken to jail and placed in the custody of the Department of Juvenile Justice.

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