Upper Keys Rotary Gets New President, Several Rotarians Recognized

At the annual meeting of the Upper Keys Rotary Club on June 30, incoming President Terry Abel took the gavel. Outgoing President Jill Miranda Baker highlighted the accomplishments of the previous 12 months and honored several members for their dedicated service to the club and the community.

Successes included raising more than $86,000 through a Scholarship Appeal to replace those funds that would have been raised through the canceled annual Gigantic Nautical Flea Market. This, in part, allowed the club’s foundation to award more than $145,000 in scholarships to graduating seniors and current colleges students.

Funding was also provided to United Way’s Stuff the Bus campaign, Treasure Village Montessori supporting their middle schoolers participation in the Pathfinders program, Rise Against Hunger to feed those in need in South Florida, and to fight COVID-19 outbreak in India.

Two Rotarians were presented with Service Above Self Awards – Karly Venezia and Kate Banick for their outstanding efforts with the Scholarship Appeal and managing the individual donations and sponsors.

Rising Star awards went to Jordan Budnik and Kate DeLoach in recognition of their hard work, enthusiasm, and dedication to the club during the past year.

The Upper Keys Rotary, established in 1967, meets weekly at 12 noon at Capt. Craig’s Restaurant, MM 90. For more information about Upper Keys Rotary, check us out at KeysRotary.com, on Facebook or call President Terry Abel at 305-360-1917.

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