Upper Keys Rotarian Honored as Paul Harris Fellow
The Rotary Club of the Upper Keys is proud to recognize member and past president Michael Mayer as a as a six time Paul Harris Fellow for his sixth $1,000 contribution to Rotary International’s Annual Program Fund, the Polio Plus Fund or the Humanitarian Grants Program, each part of the Rotary Foundation.
In the attached photo, Upper Keys Rotary Foundation Chair Don Horton recognizes Michael Mayer. He has been a member of Upper Keys Rotary for 10 years and is a past president. He was a member of the Boca Raton Rotary for 17 years and served as past assistant governor and past district assembly chair.
The Upper Keys Rotary is celebrating its 50th year as an organization. Membership meeting are weekly at 12 noon at Craig’s Restaurant. For more information about Upper Keys Rotary, check us out at KeysRotary.com, on Facebook or call President Jill Miranda Baker at 305-304-0052.  
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